Judge Dredd – Cal’s Arena

Rewind time to late 2014 – and in the pages of Zarjaz 24, you will find Judge Dredd – Cal’s Arena by Steven Austin & Mike Lynch. This was a pretty important strip for us at team Zarjaz, as Steven had been steadily submitting to Tharg (‘TMO’) for a while and was making steady progress in becoming a droid.

This strip grew out of an Entry Steven made to the 2000 AD messageboard art competition and it was a delight to have it in Zarjaz.


What could be better? Well how about presenting the strip in full colour?


Judge Dredd – Cal’s Arena

While here – check out theĀ FQP Strip Archive for more strips from the FQP Archive.

Kickstarter – KILLING MOON


Over on that there Kickstarter, Killing Moon has just been launched as a collected edition.

Killing Moon? What’s that? Well, dear reader let me take you back in time to around 2015-2016. I was contacted by Neil ‘Bhuna’ Roche to see if I’d be interested in helping him get a passion project of his off the drawing board and into print! He wanted me to letter his pages for Killing Moon.

The Kickstarter page has Neil’s version of events, but suffice to say that several years later, there were four completed issues of the book- and now a collected edition with lots of lovely extras.

I’m very pleased to say that the Kickstarterwas very successful, in fact it was funded within 24 hours, but I’d heartily recommend you getting a copy of this while you can. Fingers crossed this is just the first volume of something special.


New comic – FABLES OF FEAR!


Here’s a thing! Two of my favourite creators for FQP have gotten together and produced a comic of their very own!

FABLES OF FEAR is by writer Karl Brandt and artist David Parsons – both of whom have produced many strips for FQP over the years but now they are working together!

Available from comiXology the book contains 3, full colour tales, including a new version of Jotun Fury from Something Wicked 2017.

Hightly recommended, this slim volume hopefully showcases the start of something more to come!

Zarjaz 36 – Out of Stock – temporarily


Hi all, due to the ongoing Zombie Apocalypse… pandemic, I’m unable to get my customary restock of Zarjaz.

Please rest assured that once the last walker has been put-down… printer gets back to work I’ll be restocking and letting you all know.

This is merely the first issue to be affected, there are other issues that are getting perilously close to being sold out, so if there is a small press shaped hole in your reading pile – you should sort that itch NOW!