FQ15: Coverstory.

FutureQuake15 boasts a cover from the rather splendid Gibson Quarter, to go along with the Extinction Hunter strip that he pitched to us.

Once GQ kow he was on the cover, he sent me a few roughs to choose from. Actually he sent these round some arty types he knows and once he had their feedback- he mailed me to see if I thought like they did. The images he sent me were:

And we all chose the third version, which GQ turned into:

And then Keiren Smith added her colours and we got:

Which is due to go to the printers on Monday, ready for Hi-Ex 03 at the end of March.

Coming soon: TEEN WULF!

Not a hoax, not a dream, but a completely imaginary story; TEEN WULF- World Tree will be starting in the new issue of DOGBREATH.

Writer Richmond Clements is having a blast writing this and the art by Kevin Levell is so good that even THARG himself asked for a set of pages!

The finished pages are still being generated at the moment, so here is a sketch that Kev worked up whilst the strip was gestating.

Trust me, you will not want to miss this.