Zarjaz 14- Cover.

Well, I can now reveal to you all the beauty of a cover that decorates the mighty ZARJAZ 14!

The astoundingly talented Colin MacNeil once again graces us with his talent. This time Colin brings Devlin Waugh with him for his first Zarjaz cover.

Zarjaz 14 is officially released on March 1st, but I’ll have copies for sale at Cardiff the week before for those lucky enough to see me there!

This is Colins second cover for us here, as he was the artist that covered the first issue we produced, Zarjaz 05.

This is also our 10th issue, which by my thinking means that we’ve put out more of these than any other publisher!

FQP Scripts Update.

Just so you know- in the time since the gates were opened, we have received 31 new scripts. And that doesn’t count the two in my inbox this morning. Just letting you know that if we don’t respond for a few weeks, it’s not because we aren’t reading.

Recommends- Turning Tiger!

Available now from Renegade Arts is Turning Tiger, the collection of the story by Richmond Clements and Alex Moore. This collects the two part story of love, betrayal and giant robots that Renegade published digitally earlier this year.
In the interest of fairness I need to remind you that Richmond is one of the editors here at FQP; however this is a cracking little collection of a solid piece of work. Richmond has an ear for snappy dialogue and a clear, focussed approach to storytelling. The art by relative newcomer Alex Moore is also accomplished and compliments the story.
Rounding out the collection is a gallery of images by Michael Carroll, Alexander Vincent, Vicky Stonebridge, Chie Kutsuwada, Shane Oakley and Simon Coleby presents his alternate cover to issue 1.

FQP- Open for scripts again!

Well, it has taken almost exactly a year, but we are finally in a position to accept scripts for FutureQuake and Something Wicked once again.

If you have a story- one that is so awesome it deserves to be in the pages of the finest Small Press anthology on sale today; then you should mail it over to futurequake.comic@gmail .com

Scripts will be read on a first come, first served basis, and you should be warned that it maight take us a while to get round to it.


Sold out! MangaQuake all gone…

Way back in the mists of time, there was an idea. Why not see if we could generate enough ‘manga’ style strip to put a comic out. We could, so we did, and MangaQuake forst appeared at the Brighton comic expo in 2005.

“Woo!”, thought the team at FQP, we’ve got another comic out, lets get a second issue done… Well we had a bit of a mishap with the cover but we managed to put that behind us and get a solid comic out.

We completed 7 issues of MangaQuake in the end before we realised that it just wasn’t working anymore. The issues were getting increasingly difficult to compile, and we never managed to get the audience right for the title; so it was with regret, we let it go.

Why am I wittering on now? Well I’ve just sold the last set of issues 04-07 that we had. Which means that all that remains are a few copies of 04 that were left over from an artist asking for 50 copies to be shipped over to the US for him to sell on- only to discover that he could not afford it, after promising me that payment was made. Lesson learned there. We also have the last few copies of issue 07, which features an astounding adaption of an Oscar Wilde story. If you ever drop by the FQP table at a con, ask me for a copy of MQ- You can have one gratis. I’d rather give them away than let the comics languish in my front room any longer than I have to.

Thanks to everyone who read MangaQuake, and by extension everyone who has supported FQP over the seven years we’ve been putting comics out. It really means a lot to us all to know you are there.


2012 is going to be a big year for us here at Dogbreath and Zarjaz. We will be releasing Dogbreath 25 and 26. Zarjaz 15, 16 and 17 and at the end of the year plans are already afoot for a very special title. All this and you know we’ll have some astounding covers, too.

Thanks to all who have supported us over the years, and here is looking to many more!