Dogbreath 32- Dog Mash! process post by artist David Broughton.

One of the strips in Dogbreath 32 is Strontium Dog- Dog Mash by writer Paul Eldridge and artist David Broughton.

David has produced a lavishly illustrated post on his process for creating his work on this strip.



Pencils for the opening page of Dogmash- as seen in Dogbreath 32.

Thanks to David, as always for doing this- it is a treat to see into the creative process.

Zarjaz 31

Art by Steven Denton

Now available via the FQP WEBSHOP, Zarjaz 31 sees the first appearances of Torquemada- Grand Master of Termight as he brings purification to the masses and Button Man Harry Exton makes his debut in ‘Lucky Man’ by Lizzie & Conor Boyle. 48 pages for the incredible price of £3.00

Also in this issue:

Anderson, PSI- Facing Evil’s Past by writer John Osborne and artist Dave Peloe



Bix Barton- Rum Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em by writer Mark Howard and artist Simon Bennett Hayes


Button Man- Lucky Day by writer Lizzie Boyle and artist Conor Boyle


Judge Dredd- Descendants part02 by writers RoboMonkey147 & Colin Clayton and artist RoboMonkey147


Judge Fudge And His Pals by writer Matt Sharp and artist Jonathan Dhenry


Torquemada- Heads you lose by writer Lee Robson and artist Steven Denton



What are you waiting for- go buy a copy now.